As the holiday season approaches, it is time to embrace the spirit of giving and sharing. This year, HP is making it...
Posted in: "2024 - January"
Tech Awareness: Surge Protector, AVR, UPS: Are they really important?
One must comprehend the importance of surge protectors, automated voltage regulators (AVRs), and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to safeguard valuable equipment. These devices primarily serve to shield computers and other devices from power-related issues such as lightning, power fluctuations, and blackouts.
Is it okay to mix and match RAM size, brand and frequency?
A lot of individuals are concerned about mixing and matching RAM (Random Access Memory) modules of different sizes, brands, and frequencies and whether it is acceptable when upgrading or replacing RAM in a computer.
Deliberating CPU overclocking: Is it worth the risk?
Is the majority of individuals eager to utilize their CPU to its fullest potential? The topic of overclocking will be explored to assess its worth. Before proceeding, it is worth considering whether using the processor to its maximum capacity could enhance the computer experience.
AMD Ryzen 5 5600, 5600G and 5600X What is the difference?
You are getting ready to build a PC, and AMD's Ryzen 5 5600 series caught your interest. However, deciding between the 3 nearly identical alternatives (5600, 5600G, and 5600X) can be compared to facing a boss fight with several levels of complexities. Do not worry, fellow gamer! This article will lay down the key differences between these CPUs, providing you with the knowledge you need to take on the confusion and get that ideal setup.